C1 Magazines

                                                                                                                    Tuesday 24th September 2024

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1. Representation - the way people the media choose to re-present things/the world to us. 

2. The first thing you can consider when looking at how something is represented is whether its positive or negative 

3. A stereotype is a representation of a person place or thing that is generally viewed by lots of people

4.  There are 2 exams in media. 

5. Theoretical framework - media language, industries, audiences, representations and contexts


A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing. They are limited and often offensive or used as comedy.

Nurse - lady, kind, caring
Grandmother - Old, uses glasses, curly or short hair, wrinkles, likes knitting, slow, sweet
Teenager - messy, rebellious, lazy, baggy clothes
Football player - good looking, tall, young
Cornish man - likes pasties, accent, fisherman, kind, strong

notes on the trailer:
In the trailer, students and teachers are played to reinforce stereotypes. This was proven by the bad behaviour of the teenagers/kids as they were messing around and not tucking there shirt in. 
Teachers were also reinforcing stereotypical views by telling them to tuck there shirt in. However, stereotypical views were challenged as well because the teachers were close to the students being friendly.

Representations in magazines
L/O. To explore the representation found in magazines

Magazine terms:

masthead - The name/title of the magazine, usually located on the top third section of the cover. It is the biggest word on the cover.

Cover lines -  Distributed around the main image, tells the reader about the articles inside of the magazine.

Main image - biggest image, stands out.

Main cover line - The main cover line is the largest cover line and tells the reader about the main feature inside the article, it usually links with the main image.

Puff - eye catching graphics used to draw attention to itself and the text, it stands out. 

Colour palette - the main 2 or 3 colours used on the cover.

Direct address - talking to the reader by using 'you' and 'your'

Star vehicle - 

                                                                                                                   Tuesday 1st October 2024
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1. The masthead of a magazine in the name/title
2. Cover lines
3. A shape that stands out from the magazine that looks a bit like a sticker that tells us information
4. Whether its positive or negative
5. Stereotypes 

1. On the cover, the woman is made look friendly, kind, happy and she is wearing regular-clothing/looking 'normal'
2. On the second cover, the woman is made to look confident, powerful and strong.
3. Lastly, on the third cover, she is made to look confident, happy, beautiful and elegant.

On this cover, she looks 'normal', friendly, kind maybe slightly motherly. This is because of  the audience it is aimed at.

The differences between the two magazines are:
-  Colour scheme 
-  Different topics
- The man is dressed more formally / clothings different.

On Cosmopolitan, women have been represented as over interested with their looks and weight. They're also shown as very feminine by using stereotypical colours such as pink, purple and white etc. and romanticise things/men. However, on the GQ  cover the man is shown to look more formal, masculine and serious, the dark colours and sharp font makes the man look more masculine. His hand positioning shows off his tattoos and also his wedding ring.  The topic is also more football-based which support men stereotypes. Although the cover supports stereotypes it also challenges them slightly by including themes such as jewellery.
